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Kraken golgoth

Kraken golgoth

Although game statistics for the Kraken golgoth are given in Operation Frostbite, there is no model available for it from Rackham. This article shows how to build one on the basis of a Baal golgoth.

· Materials needed

The main requirement to build a Kraken is a model of a Baal golgoth. The illustration of the Kraken in Operation Frostbite (the only one known) shows a six-legged golgoth with a forward body shape almost identical to that of the Baal, so it is highly likely Rackham planned to base it on the Baal with some replacement parts for the weapons, the relay and the nanogenerator. There have been some thoughts that the Kraken, being a type ★★ golgoth, would use an 80-mm base instead of the 130-mm base used by the Baal, but I have my doubts about this: the Baal's legs are too big to fit on an 80-mm base (another article on the AT-43 forums said the smallest base they will fit on is 96 mm diameter) but as mentioned, the illustration clearly shows the Baal frame in use, so the 130-mm base is very likely correct for the Kraken.

The rest of this conversion requires some bits and pieces that are not hard to find or buy. The most obvious of these is the storage tank-type thing on the back, which can be made from a piece of tube, 40 mm in diameter; this creates the happy coincidence that its end caps are easy to make from 40-mm round wargames bases. To fix the tank to the body requires some plastic tube of about 10 mm diameter, while other details on it can be made from plastic card and whatever else you can find lying around that seems to fit.

There are two ways to make the Kraken's weapons. One is to use the medium nucleus cannon from a Wraith golgoth, while the other is to scratchbuild it from plastic tube and card.

You will also need a nanogenerator of the type supplied in the AT-43 starter set and with some other models.


· Storage tank

· Nanogenerator

· Weapons

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